GreenHub Farmer: Real-world data for android energy mining
GreenHub Farmer: Real-world data for android energy mining
João Paulo Fernandes
De Sousa,SM
Rui Alexandre Pereira
Marco Linhares Couto
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As mobile devices are supporting more and more of our daily activities, it is vital to widen their battery up-time as much as possible. In fact, according to the Wall Street Journal, 9/10 users suffer from low battery anxiety. The goal of our work is to understand how Android usage, apps, operating systems, hardware and user habits influence battery lifespan. Our strategy is to collect anonymous raw data from devices all over the world, through a mobile app, build and analyze a large-scale dataset containing real-world, day-to-day data, representative of user practices. So far, the dataset we collected includes 12 million+ (anonymous) data samples, across 900+ device brands and 5.000+ models. And, it keeps growing. The data we collect, which is publicly available and by different channels, is sufficiently heterogeneous for supporting studies with a wide range of focuses and research goals, thus opening the opportunity to inform and reshape user habits, and even influence the development of both hardware and software for mobile devices. © 2019 IEEE.