Defining the regional innovation strategy for the year 2015: the case of the ITCE clusters in the North of Portugal
Defining the regional innovation strategy for the year 2015: the case of the ITCE clusters in the North of Portugal
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Catarina Selada
António Carrizo
Luís Carneiro
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This paper describes the methodology and the definition of the
regional innovation strategy, based on the Information Technology,
Communications and Electronics (ITCE) clusters, for the North of Portugal
under the project NORTINOV 2015, which was promoted by the commission
for the coordination and regional development of the north of Portugal
(CCDR-N) under the NORTINOV programme. Three strategic lines were
proposed to achieve a regional innovation strategy for the ICTE cluster for the
year 2015: the strategic line, in order to create conditions for the development
of innovative clusters, the sustainability line, in order to facilitate the
interaction with other clusters, and the structural line, in order to position the
North region as a world-class region.