Depth-Map Images for the Aesthetic Evaluation of Breast Cancer Treatment

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André T. Magalhães
Hélder Filipe Oliveira
Jaime Cardoso
Maria João Cardoso
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Breast Cancer Conservative Treatment (BCCT) is now the preferred technique to treat breast cancer. The limited reproducibility of standard aesthetic evaluation methods led to the development of objective methods, such as the Breast Cancer Conservative Treatment.cosmetic results (BCCT.core) software tool. Although the results are satisfactory, there are still limitations concerning complete automation and the inability to measure volumetric information. The objective of this work is to develop disparity map images of a female torso using low-cost solutions, namely: a reconstruction algorithm from two uncalibrated views, using an epipolar geometry approach and making use of a Kinect sensor device. Afterwards, using the generated depth-map, the simultaneous detection of breast contour and breast peak points is addressed. Experimental results show the suitability of our depth-map based approach. The proposed algorithm has proven accurate and robust for a wide number of patients. Additiona