An Exploratory Research Agenda for 3-D Virtual Worlds as Collaborative Learning Ecosystems: Extracting Evidences from Literature

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Paulo Martins
Fernando Cassola
Diogo Azevedo
André Pinheiro
Leonel Morgado
Benjamim Fonseca
Hugo Paredes
António Correia
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Computer-supported online 3-D virtual world environments have been waxed and waned in interest and representativeness for supporting collaborative- and simulation-based practices. In a post-modern societal framework that requires inexpensive solutions for high-risk situations, research efforts in virtual worlds have developed a basis for understanding the use of virtual reality for multidisciplinary scenarios such as distance learning, training, therapy treatments, and social interaction. In this context, a recurrently updated research agenda for virtual worlds can characterize the current needs at a systematic way. This paper presents a meta-analysis of 35 publications to identify gaps and opportunities for research in collaborative three-dimensional environments based in content analysis. At a general perspective, there is a lack of established approaches to measure the influence and research potential of sociocultural factors in virtual worlds' usage, autism spectrum and other...