Customized crowds and active learning to improve classification
Customized crowds and active learning to improve classification
Mário João Antunes
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Traditional classification algorithms can be limited in their performance when a specific user is targeted. User preferences, e.g. in recommendation systems, constitute a challenge for learning algorithms. Additionally, in recent years user's interaction through crowdsourcing has drawn significant interest, although its use in learning settings is still underused. In this work we focus on an active strategy that uses crowd-based non-expert information to appropriately tackle the problem of capturing the drift between user preferences in a recommendation system. The proposed method combines two main ideas: to apply active strategies for adaptation to each user; to implement crowdsourcing to avoid excessive user feedback. A similitude technique is put forward to optimize the choice of the more appropriate similitude-wise crowd, under the guidance of basic user feedback. The proposed active learning framework allows non-experts classification performed by crowds to be used to define the user profile, mitigating the labeling effort normally requested to the user. The framework is designed to be generic and suitable to be applied, to different' scenarios, whilst customizable for each specific user. A case study on humor classification scenario is used to demonstrate experimentally that the approach can improve baseline active results.