Market Segmentation Analysis Using Attitudes Toward Transportation Exploring the Differences Between Men and Women
Market Segmentation Analysis Using Attitudes Toward Transportation Exploring the Differences Between Men and Women
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José Sarsfield Cabral
Gabriela Beirão
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Traveler attitudes and preferences as well as demographic variables are important components of travel behavior. By using travel attitudes, factor and cluster analyses were conducted to segment the sample. Six distinct groups were extracted: transit enthusiasts, anxious status seekers, carless riders, green cruisers, frugal travelers, and obstinate drivers. The segments showed unique combinations of attitudes with distinct travel behaviors and various degrees of intention to use public transportation. Gender differences were then investigated, and the results suggest that women and men exhibit differences in attitudes, preferences, and behaviors. The design of strategies to promote alternatives to car use should target the market segments that are most motivated to change, focusing on the attitudes that can induce a change, such as pro transit or sensibility to the environment.