An Hierarchical Architecture for Docking Autonomous Surface Vehicles

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Aníbal Matos
Andry Maykol Pinto
Pedro Nuno
Renato Jorge Silva
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Autonomous Surface Vehicles (ASVs) provide the ideal platform to further explore the many opportunities in the cargo shipping industry, by making it more profitable and safer. This paper presents an architecture for the autonomous docking operation, formed by two stages: a maneuver module and, a situational awareness system to detect a mooring facility where an ASV can safely dock. Information retrieved from a 3D LIDAR, IMU and GPS are combined to extract the geometric features of the floating platform and to estimate the relative positioning and orientation of the moor to the ASV. Then, the maneuver module plans a trajectory to a specific position and guarantees that the ASV will not collide with the mooring facility. The approach presented in this paper was validated in distinct environmental and weather conditions such as tidal waves and wind. The results demonstrate the ability of the proposed architecture for detecting the docking platform and safely conduct the navigation towards it, achieving errors up to 0.107 m in position and 6.58 degrees in orientation.