The role of an Aggregator Agent for EV in the Electricity Market
The role of an Aggregator Agent for EV in the Electricity Market
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Manuel Matos
Ricardo Jorge Bessa
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An aggregator agent for electric vehicles is a
commercial middleman between a system operator and plug-in
electrical vehicles (EV). For the system operator perspective,
the aggregator is seen as a large source of generation or load,
which could provide ancillary services such as spinning and
regulating reserve. Generally these services will be provided in
the day-ahead and intraday electricity markets. In addition, the
aggregator also participates in the electricity market with
supply and demand energy bids. In this paper, the integration
of these concepts in an electricity market environment is
discussed through proposing a framework for the information
characterization (and availability) between aggregator, system
operators and clients. A specific market (the Iberian Market -
MIBEL) is discussed. In the sequence, the different degrees of
availability of the relevant information are identified and
characterized, including the variables that are necessary to