CloudAnchor: Agent-Based Brokerage of Federated Cloud Resources

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Bruno Miguel Veloso
Benedita Malheiro
Carlos Burguillo,JC
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This paper presents CloudAnchor, a brokerage platform conceived to help Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SME) embrace Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) cloud computing both as providers and consumers. The platform, which transacts automatically single and federated IaaS cloud resources, is a multi-layered Multi-Agent System (MAS) where providers, consumers and virtual providers, representing provider coalitions, are modelled by dedicated agents. Federated resources are detained and negotiated by virtual providers on behalf of the corresponding coalition of providers. CloudAnchor negotiates and establishes Service Level Agreements (SLA) on behalf of SME businesses regarding the provision of brokerage services as well as the provision of single and federated IaaS resources. The discovery, invitation, acceptance and negotiation processes rely on a distributed trust model designed to select the best business partners for consumers and providers and improve runtime.