GReSBAS project: A gamified approach to promote more energy efficient behaviours in buildings
GReSBAS project: A gamified approach to promote more energy efficient behaviours in buildings
António Cunha Barbosa
Filipe Joel Soares
André Guimarães Madureira
António Coelho
Fernando Cassola Marques
José Pedro Iria
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The GReSBAS project (2016-2019) aims to enable the active participation of buildings in DR programs through gamified competition between building owners. In case of large buildings, gamified competition can be established within the building for its occupants, for instance having different floors of the building competing between them. This approach will allow building owners to reduce electricity costs and increase energy efficiency by motivating/rewarding building occupants for participating in DR programs. The concepts and tools developed under GReSBAS will be tested in two demonstration sites: a corporate building in Portugal and a residential building in Turkey. This paper presents the Portuguese demonstration site and describes how the energy consumption, temperature and building occupancy data will be collected, processed and used by the tools developed in GReSBAS.