Improving performance and energy consumption in embedded systems via binary acceleration: A survey Nuno Miguel Paulino en João Canas Ferreira en João Paiva Cardoso en
dc.contributor.other 473 en
dc.contributor.other 5550 en
dc.contributor.other 5802 en 2023-05-05T09:32:22Z 2023-05-05T09:32:22Z 2020 en
dc.description.abstract The breakdown of Dennard scaling has resulted in a decade-long stall of the maximum operating clock frequencies of processors. To mitigate this issue, computing shifted to multi-core devices. This introduced the need for programming flows and tools that facilitate the expression of workload parallelism at high abstraction levels. However, not all workloads are easily parallelizable, and the minor improvements to processor cores have not significantly increased single-threaded performance. Simultaneously, Instruction Level Parallelism in applications is considerably underexplored. This article reviews notable approaches that focus on exploiting this potential parallelism via automatic generation of specialized hardware from binary code. Although research on this topic spans over more than 20 years, automatic acceleration of software via translation to hardware has gained new importance with the recent trend toward reconfigurable heterogeneous platforms. We characterize this kind of binary acceleration approach and the accelerator architectures on which it relies. We summarize notable state-of-the-art approaches individually and present a taxonomy and comparison. Performance gains from 2.6× to 5.6× are reported, mostly considering bare-metal embedded applications, along with power consumption reductions between 1.3× and 3.9×. We believe the methodologies and results achievable by automatic hardware generation approaches are promising in the context of emergent reconfigurable devices. © 2020 Association for Computing Machinery. en
dc.identifier P-00R-RP0 en
dc.identifier.uri en
dc.language eng en
dc.rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess en
dc.title Improving performance and energy consumption in embedded systems via binary acceleration: A survey en
dc.type en
dc.type Publication en
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