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    Talent management practices in startups and their effects in innovation, intrapreneurship, and internationalisation
    (Journal International Journal of Business Innovation and Research, 2023) Almeida, F. ; Oliveira, J.M.
    This study explores the role of talent in the processes of innovation, intrapreneurship, and internationalisation of startups. For this purpose, an empirical study was conducted with 226 Portuguese startups, and the impact of these components was analysed using the structural equation model. The findings indicate that talent attraction, development, and retention practices have a positive impact on innovation. However, the same correlation was not verified for intrapreneurship practices. Furthermore, both innovation and intrapreneurship are two determining elements in startups' internationalisation activities. This study offers pertinent contributions to the establishment of policies to support the internationalisation processes of startups, in which talent management emerges as a determining factor for its sustainable growth.
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    Facilitating innovation in FinTech: a review and research agenda
    (Journal Review of Managerial Science, 2023) Alaassar, A. ; Mention. A. ; Aas, T.
    The purpose of this paper is to carry out content analyses on the existing literature to investigate the knowledge state of innovation facilitators adopted to promote financial innovation. In total, 56 papers were analysed using the NVivo software package. Three categories of innovation facilitators emerged from the literature capturing the perspective of regulators, incumbents and new entrants. Each identified instrument is defined and its processes and implications described. Many initiatives were led by regulators, revealing a regulatory strategy change from risk-based to opportunity-based regulation, with regulatory sandboxes being the most commonly adopted instrument. Incumbent-led innovation facilitators were also identified and typically took the form of corporate incubation models, co-working spaces, venture funds and innovation platforms to support financial institutions with partnerships, acquisitions or self-development. Lastly, the literature review revealed innovator-led instruments to support start-ups with raising capital. Based on our results, we discuss several important observations and propose avenues for future research capturing each of the identified perspectives. This paper contributes to incubation research and the financial innovation and FinTech literature streams.
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    Responsible innovation assessment tools: a systematic review and research agenda
    (Technological Sustainability, 2023) Guimarães, C. ; Amorim, V. ; Almeida, F.
    Responsible innovation assessment tools (RIATs) are key instruments that can help organizations, associations and individuals measure responsible innovation. Accordingly, this study aims to review the current status of research on responsible innovation and, in particular, of studies that either present the relevance of RIATs or provide empirical evidence of their adoption. A systematic literature review is conducted to identify and review how RIATs are being addressed in academic research and the applications that are proposed. A systematic process is implemented using the Web of Science and Scopus bibliographic databases, aiming not only to summarize existing studies, but also to include a perspective on gaps and future research. A total of 119 publications were identified and included in the review process. The study identifies that RIATs have attracted growing interest from the scientific community, with a greater predominance of studies involving qualitative and mixed methods. A well-balanced mix of conceptual and exploratory studies is also registered, with a greater predominance of analysis of RIATs application domains in the past years, with greater incidence in the finance, water, energy, construction, manufacturing and health sectors. This study is pioneering in identifying 16 dimensions and 60 sub-dimensions for measuring responsible innovation. It also suggests the need to include multidimensional perspectives and individuals with interdisciplinary competencies in this process.
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    Big data analytics on patents for innovation public policies
    (Expert Systems, 2023-01) Sousa, M. J.; George, J.; Walter, C.; Au-Yong, M.; Moreira, F.
    This study seeks to answer the following research question: “What factors can explain the number of patent filing requests made by residents in Brazil at patent offices in Brazil, the United States, Europe, and triadic patent families?”. The methods used in this research are quantitative, using big data from private and public investments in Science and Technology, and about patent deposit numbers in Brazil from 2000 to 2017. A model of linear regression was performed and explains how these investments in Science and Technology influence patent deposit numbers. The results of this research study point towards the importance of universities, up and beyond the traditional training and education aspect of university activity. The importance of public and private innovation investments is also shown to be important. This study shows that the patent registrations in the different regions under analysis are affected by different factors. There is thus no single formula towards the creation of innovation output and governments would do well to continue to invest in higher education while also investing in public research and development activities. Additionally, and not least important, private entities should be continually encouraged to make innovation investments and favourable government policies need to thus exist for this to happen. Finally, the low numbers regarding patent filings in Brazil may be linked to institutional deficiencies in the country. Patent breaches may be difficult to punish, and the judicial system may be slow and untrustworthy, compared to the United States and to Europe—leading to diminished patent registrations in Brazil. A set of implications and recommendations for policy derived from this study and will be strategic for policymakers.