Quantum advantage in temporally flat measurement-based quantum computation

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Luís Soares Barbosa
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Several classes of quantum circuits have been shown to provide a quantum computational advantage under certain assumptions. The study of ever more restricted classes of quantum circuits capable of quantum advantage is motivated by possible simplifications in experimental demonstrations. In this paper we study the efficiency of measurement-based quantum computation with a completely flat temporal ordering of measurements. We propose new constructions for the deterministic computation of arbitrary Boolean functions, drawing on correlations present in multi-qubit Greenberger, Horne, and Zeilinger (GHZ) states. We characterize the necessary measurement complexity using the Clifford hierarchy, and also generally decrease the number of qubits needed with respect to previous constructions. In particular, we identify a family of Boolean functions for which deterministic evaluation using non-adaptive MBQC is possible, featuring quantum advantage in width and number of gates with respect to classical circuits.