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    Towards Quantum Ray Tracing
    ( 2024) Luís Paulo Santos ; 6969
    Rendering on conventional computers is capable of generating realistic imagery, but the computational complexity of these light transport algorithms is a limiting factor of image synthesis. Quantum computers have the potential to significantly improve rendering performance through reducing the underlying complexity of the algorithms behind light transport. This paper investigates hybrid quantum-classical algorithms for ray tracing, a core component of most rendering techniques. Through a practical implementation of quantum ray tracing in a 3D environment, we show quantum approaches provide a quadratic improvement in query complexity compared to the equivalent classical approach. Based on domain specific knowledge, we then propose algorithms to significantly reduce the computation required for quantum ray tracing through exploiting image space coherence and a principled termination criteria for quantum searching. We show results obtained using a simulator for both Whitted style ray tracing, and for accelerating ray tracing operations when performing classical Monte Carlo integration for area lights and indirect illumination.
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    Trainability issues in quantum policy gradients
    ( 2024) Luís Paulo Santos ; Luís Soares Barbosa ; 6969 ; 5603
    This research explores the trainability of Parameterized Quantum Circuit-based policies in Reinforcement Learning, an area that has recently seen a surge in empirical exploration. While some studies suggest improved sample complexity using quantum gradient estimation, the efficient trainability of these policies remains an open question. Our findings reveal significant challenges, including standard Barren Plateaus with exponentially small gradients and gradient explosion. These phenomena depend on the type of basis-state partitioning and the mapping of these partitions onto actions. For a polynomial number of actions, a trainable window can be ensured with a polynomial number of measurements if a contiguous-like partitioning of basis-states is employed. These results are empirically validated in a multi-armed bandit environment.
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    Reducing measurement costs by recycling the Hessian in adaptive variational quantum algorithms
    ( 2025) Luís Paulo Santos ; 6969
    Adaptive protocols enable the construction of more efficient state preparation circuits in variational quantum algorithms (VQAs) by utilizing data obtained from the quantum processor during the execution of the algorithm. This idea originated with Adaptive Derivative-Assembled Problem-Tailored variational quantum eigensolver (ADAPT-VQE), an algorithm that iteratively grows the state preparation circuit operator by operator, with each new operator accompanied by a new variational parameter, and where all parameters acquired thus far are optimized in each iteration. In ADAPT-VQE and other adaptive VQAs that followed it, it has been shown that initializing parameters to their optimal values from the previous iteration speeds up convergence and avoids shallow local traps in the parameter landscape. However, no other data from the optimization performed at one iteration is carried over to the next. In this work, we propose an improved quasi-Newton optimization protocol specifically tailored to adaptive VQAs. The distinctive feature in our proposal is that approximate second derivatives of the cost function are recycled across iterations in addition to optimal parameter values. We implement a quasi-Newton optimizer where an approximation to the inverse Hessian matrix is continuously built and grown across the iterations of an adaptive VQA. The resulting algorithm has the flavor of a continuous optimization where the dimension of the search space is augmented when the gradient norm falls below a given threshold. We show that this inter-optimization exchange of second-order information leads the approximate Hessian in the state of the optimizer to be consistently closer to the exact Hessian. As a result, our method achieves a superlinear convergence rate even in situations where the typical implementation of a quasi-Newton optimizer converges only linearly. Our protocol decreases the measurement costs in implementing adaptive VQAs on quantum hardware as well as the runtime of their classical simulation.
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    Toward a Practical and Timely Diagnosis of Application's I/O Behavior
    ( 2023) João Tiago Paulo ; Tânia Conceição Araújo ; Ricardo Gonçalves Macedo ; Rui Carlos Oliveira ; 5621 ; 7401 ; 6941 ; 5594
    We present DIO, a generic tool for observing inefficient and erroneous I/O interactions between applications and in-kernel storage backends that lead to performance, dependability, and correctness issues. DIO eases the analysis and enables near real-time visualization of complex I/O patterns for data-intensive applications generating millions of storage requests. This is achieved by non-intrusively intercepting system calls, enriching collected data with relevant context, and providing timely analysis and visualization for traced events. We demonstrate its usefulness by analyzing four production-level applications. Results show that DIO enables diagnosing inefficient I/O patterns that lead to poor application performance, unexpected and redundant I/O calls caused by high-level libraries, resource contention in multithreaded I/O that leads to high tail latency, and erroneous file accesses that cause data loss. Moreover, through a detailed evaluation, we show that, when comparing DIO's inline diagnosis pipeline with a similar state-of-the-art solution, our system captures up to 28x more events while keeping tracing performance overhead between 14% and 51%.
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    When Amnesia Strikes: Understanding and Reproducing Data Loss Bugs with Fault Injection
    ( 2024) José Orlando Pereira ; Tânia Conceição Araújo ; João Tiago Paulo ; Ricardo Gonçalves Macedo ; 5602 ; 7401 ; 5621 ; 6941
    We present LazyFS, a new fault injection tool that simplifies the debugging and reproduction of complex data durability bugs experienced by databases, key-value stores, and other data-centric systems in crashes. Our tool simulates persistence properties of POSIX file systems (e.g., operations ordering and atomicity) and enables users to inject lost and torn write faults with a precise and controlled approach. Further, it provides profiling information about the system’s operations flow and persisted data, enabling users to better understand the root cause of errors. Weuse LazyFS to study seven important systems: PostgreSQL, etcd, Zookeeper, Redis, LevelDB, PebblesDB, and Lightning Network. Our fault injection campaign shows that LazyFS automates and facilitates the reproduction of five known bug reports containing manual and complex reproducibility steps. Further, it aids in understanding and reproducing seven ambiguous bugs reported by users. Finally, LazyFS is used to find eight new bugs, which lead to data loss, corruption, and unavailability.