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    Databases in Edge and Fog Environments: A Survey
    ( 2024) Luís Manuel Ferreira ; José Orlando Pereira ; Fábio André Coelho ; 7372 ; 5602 ; 6059
    While a significant number of databases are deployed in cloud environments, pushing part or all data storage and querying planes closer to their sources (i.e., to the edge) can provide advantages in latency, connectivity, privacy, energy, and scalability. This article dissects the advantages provided by databases in edge and fog environments by surveying application domains and discussing the key drivers for pushing database systems to the edge. At the same time, it also identifies the main challenges faced by developers in this new environment and analyzes the mechanisms employed to deal with them. By providing an overview of the current state of edge and fog databases, this survey provides valuable insights into future research directions.
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    VQC-based reinforcement learning with data re-uploading: performance and trainability
    ( 2024) Luís Paulo Santos ; André Manuel Sequeira ; 6969 ; 8491
    Reinforcement learning (RL) consists of designing agents that make intelligent decisions without human supervision. When used alongside function approximators such as Neural Networks (NNs), RL is capable of solving extremely complex problems. Deep Q-Learning, a RL algorithm that uses Deep NNs, has been shown to achieve super-human performance in game-related tasks. Nonetheless, it is also possible to use Variational Quantum Circuits (VQCs) as function approximators in RL algorithms. This work empirically studies the performance and trainability of such VQC-based Deep Q-Learning models in classic control benchmark environments. More specifically, we research how data re-uploading affects both these metrics. We show that the magnitude and the variance of the model's gradients remain substantial throughout training even as the number of qubits increases. In fact, both increase considerably in the training's early stages, when the agent needs to learn the most. They decrease later in the training, when the agent should have done most of the learning and started converging to a policy. Thus, even if the probability of being initialized in a Barren Plateau increases exponentially with system size for Hardware-Efficient ansatzes, these results indicate that the VQC-based Deep Q-Learning models may still be able to find large gradients throughout training, allowing for learning.
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    Performance and explainability of feature selection-boosted tree-based classifiers for COVID-19 detection
    ( 2024) Carlos Baquero ; 5596
    In this paper, we evaluate the performance and analyze the explainability of machine learning models boosted by feature selection in predicting COVID-19-positive cases from self-reported information. In essence, this work describes a methodology to identify COVID-19 infections that considers the large amount of information collected by the University of Maryland Global COVID-19 Trends and Impact Survey (UMD-CTIS). More precisely, this methodology performs a feature selection stage based on the recursive feature elimination (RFE) method to reduce the number of input variables without compromising detection accuracy. A tree-based supervised machine learning model is then optimized with the selected features to detect COVID-19-active cases. In contrast to previous approaches that use a limited set of selected symptoms, the proposed approach builds the detection engine considering a broad range of features including self-reported symptoms, local community information, vaccination acceptance, and isolation measures, among others. To implement the methodology, three different supervised classifiers were used: random forests (RF), light gradient boosting (LGB), and extreme gradient boosting (XGB). Based on data collected from the UMD-CTIS, we evaluated the detection performance of the methodology for four countries (Brazil, Canada, Japan, and South Africa) and two periods (2020 and 2021). The proposed approach was assessed in terms of various quality metrics: F1-score, sensitivity, specificity, precision, receiver operating characteristic (ROC), and area under the ROC curve (AUC). This work also shows the normalized daily incidence curves obtained by the proposed approach for the four countries. Finally, we perform an explainability analysis using Shapley values and feature importance to determine the relevance of each feature and the corresponding contribution for each country and each country/year.
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    Pondering the Ugly Underbelly, and Whether Images Are Real
    ( 2024) Carlos Baquero ; 5596
    [No abstract available]
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    Quantum advantage in temporally flat measurement-based quantum computation
    ( 2024) Luís Soares Barbosa ; 5603
    Several classes of quantum circuits have been shown to provide a quantum computational advantage under certain assumptions. The study of ever more restricted classes of quantum circuits capable of quantum advantage is motivated by possible simplifications in experimental demonstrations. In this paper we study the efficiency of measurement-based quantum computation with a completely flat temporal ordering of measurements. We propose new constructions for the deterministic computation of arbitrary Boolean functions, drawing on correlations present in multi-qubit Greenberger, Horne, and Zeilinger (GHZ) states. We characterize the necessary measurement complexity using the Clifford hierarchy, and also generally decrease the number of qubits needed with respect to previous constructions. In particular, we identify a family of Boolean functions for which deterministic evaluation using non-adaptive MBQC is possible, featuring quantum advantage in width and number of gates with respect to classical circuits.