Criteria for Lipid layer pattern evaluation. Pli-marker database
Criteria for Lipid layer pattern evaluation. Pli-marker database
Garcia Resua,C
Pena Verdeal,H
Beatriz Remeseiro López
Jesus Giraldez,MJ
Yebra Pimentel,E
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The purpose of this study is to establish the procedure of acquisition and evaluate the Lipid layer pattern (LLP) by Tearscope in order to enhance this useful technique. To aid this purpose, we present a new broad LLP images database (included in a web application called Pli-marker) The tear film lipid layer was examined using a Tearscope-plus (Keeler, Windsor, UK). To capture LLPs videos a Topcon DV-3 digital camera was used and attached to the slit lamp. All videos were stored in a computer via Topcon IMAGEnet i-base software and LLP images were obtained and uploaded at Pli-marker web application, which offers the manual selection of regions associated to a specific LLP. 50 images were analysed by 4 experienced optometrists. Each of them marked (using Pli-marker) those areas in the 50 images that corresponded with some of the 5 LLP: open meshwork (OM), closed meshwork, (CM), wave (W), amorphous (AM) and color fringe (CO). From the 50 images we obtained 25 areas of OM, 22 areas of CM, 20 areas of W, 46 areas of AM and 17 areas of CO that 4 observers were in accordance. We present an example of 4 pictures for each area of concordance together with the description of the features used for categorizing the LLP in our study. This work describes the methodology used in our research project, including settings for capture image, and the criteria for subjective categorization of the LLP accomplished by a set of images.