Policy Recommendations for Supporting Supply Chains with Horizontal Actions
Policy Recommendations for Supporting Supply Chains with Horizontal Actions
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Ricardo Augusto Zimmermann
Ana Cristina Barros
Pedro Senna
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<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title><jats:p>This chapter aims to identify the supply chain (SC) issues that can be considered “horizontal”, as they are cross–sectorial and faced by most companies operating both in production and distribution sectors, and to propose a set of policy recommendations that can support public and private organisations to promote and foster innovation and competitiveness of future European SCs. The definition of the Key Horizontal Issues (KHI) is the basis for developing 12 policy recommendations regarding infrastructure requirements, technological and organisational improvements and regulatory developments needed to set the stage for the European SCs for the future. Specifically, the policy recommendations entail assuring appropriate standards and legislation for European SCs; educating and training professionals for the future SCs; drafting of international agreements aiming at future European SCs; supporting and fostering incentives and funding schemes; promoting reference bodies for European SCs; and establishing infrastructure for fostering of future European SCs.</jats:p>