Extrinsic sensor calibration methods for mobile robots: A short review
Extrinsic sensor calibration methods for mobile robots: A short review
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António Paulo Moreira
Marcelo Petry
Ricardo Barbosa Sousa
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Data acquisition is a critical task for localisation and perception of mobile robots. It is necessary to compute the relative pose between onboard sensors to process the data in a common frame. Thus, extrinsic calibration computes the sensor’s relative pose improving data consistency between them. This paper performs a literature review on extrinsic sensor calibration methods prioritising the most recent ones. The sensors types considered were laser scanners, cameras and IMUs. It was found methods for robot–laser, laser–laser, laser–camera, robot–camera, camera–camera, camera–IMU, IMU–IMU and laser–IMU calibration. The analysed methods allow the full calibration of a sensory system composed of lasers, cameras and IMUs. © The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021.