Evolution of Odometry Calibration Methods for Ground Mobile Robots
Evolution of Odometry Calibration Methods for Ground Mobile Robots
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António Paulo Moreira
Marcelo Petry
Ricardo Barbosa Sousa
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Localisation is a critical problem in ground mobile robots. For dead reckoning, odometry is usually used. A disadvantage of using it alone is unbounded error accumulation. So, odometry calibration is critical in reducing error propagation. This paper presents an analysis of the developments and advances of systematic methods for odometry calibration. Four steering geometries were analysed, namely differential drive, Ackerman, tricycle and omnidirectional. It highlights the advances made on this field and covers the methods since UMBmark was proposed. The points of analysis are the techniques and test paths used, errors considered in calibration, and experiments made to validate each method. It was obtained fifteen methods for differential drive, three for Ackerman, two for tricycle, and three for the omnidirectional steering geometry. A disparity was noted, compared with the real utilisation, between the number of published works addressing differential drive and tricycle/Ackerman. Still, odometry continues evolving since UMBmark was proposed.