Selecting Collaborative Filtering Algorithms Using Metalearning

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Tiago Sá Cunha
Carlos Manuel Soares
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Recommender Systems are an important tool in e-business, for both companies and customers. Several algorithms are available to developers, however, there is little guidance concerning which is the best algorithm for a specific recommendation problem. In this study, a metalearning approach is proposed to address this issue. It consists of relating the characteristics of problems (metafeatures) to the performance of recommendation algorithms. We propose a set of metafeatures based on the application of systematic procedure to develop metafeatures and by extending and generalizing the state of the art metafeatures for recommender systems. The approach is tested on a set of Matrix Factorization algorithms and a collection of real-world Collaborative Filtering datasets. The performance of these algorithms in these datasets is evaluated using several standard metrics. The algorithm selection problem is formulated as classification tasks, where the target attribute is the best Matrix Factorization algorithm, according to each metric. The results show that the approach is viable and that the metafeatures used contain information that is useful to predict the best algorithm for a dataset. © Springer International Publishing AG 2016.